Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Declaration

For my twenty five years of existence I never have any other religious belief than of Christianity. I believe that God made the world in seven days. God made Adam, and from Adam , He made Eve. I believe that Jesus was the Son of the God almighty and came to earth to save the entire world from sins. I believe in the Angels. I believe Virgin Mary. I believe in the 12 apostles. I believe after the third day of his death, He rose again and seated at the right hand of the Father. And I believe that he will come again to judge the living and the dead.

Growing up in catholic communities, I have learned a lot of the bible and Christianity. I attended Catechisms and Bible studies. I have heard many stories and declarations of God’s blessings. I have heard apparitions, and People who see Jesus, Mary, and others. I have heard of miracles.
And every one of each story, I was touched.

But recently I have heard a declaration that he believes in Jesus, yet He was not a Christian. His stories gave me chills.

I have met someone, here in Arab country, a friend from work. He is a Hindu. He grew up in a community where he was raised with a Hindu faith.

At one time, His mother was ill. His mother was very weak and was diagnosed of cancer. He said that the cancer cells spread to her whole body. She was in the hospital for weeks, but then they have decided to stop any chemotherapy and they have decided to just go home.
Unexpectedly, A Nun came to them and prayed over his mom. They did no longer object. To think they should have but they didn’t because what’s the use. They were hopeless.

The night before they will discharge his mother, My hindu friend was awaken by someone who entered the room, He described the man as Tall, White-skinned, with beard, long black hair and like the skin was producing light. This man he said put grapes on his mother’s mouth. He laid his hands to his mother from head to foot while whispering something. After that, He left. He was shaking to see that Man, cause HE knows who he was. HE was Jesus. He has an idea who Jesus is, since he saw some replicas and statues of Jesus. He said “It was Jesus”. His mother said the same thing.  “ I saw Jesus” She said.
The next day they discharge his mother. He went directly to a church for the first time in his life. He was not expecting for her mother to be cured. He just want to say that He believe he saw Jesus.

Now, His mother is living healthily in India.

I am Hindu, I am a follower of HINDUISM.. But I believe Jesus. I saw him with my eyes, and He saved my Mother.”  Mallesham Sara, 38, Indian

For me, it’s not the miracle that amuses me, nor did that he see Jesus. What amused me is that Yes, He was Hindu, yet He believe in Jesus..

I told him that Maybe it’s a sign that Jesus wants him to be a messenger, to tell the people that He is real. He said, 10 cancer patients also were in his village. “I told them to go to church and ask help to Jesus”. And maybe Jesus succeeds.

It is an eye-opening that sometimes we really tend to question the existence of Jesus or the Lord, but here is a Hindu who believed Jesus although he is a Hinduism follower. We always pray to Jesus, we thank him, but we, sometimes, don’t declare he’s existence. This made me realized that our Lord God, is not selfish. He gave hope to everyone regardless of their religious belief. That, until now gave me chills.

I believe in GOD. The father almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth. 

My friend believes in Jesus because he saw HIM, blessed those who believe Jesus by faith not by sight,


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