As a person, i kept myself open for everyone (and this blog site surely proves how open i am, lol). Many people say they knew me, from head to toe, but there are things they think they knew about me, but actually didn't. Let's try a quiz, comment if how much you've scored. I will write some weird things about me and count one if you knew or shared it with you. GAME..
1. I'm Claustrophobic. I don't want being in a closed space where air can't pass thru. I don't like in between two people. I don't like being hug so tight for a long time, i think i can't breathe. the reason why i love sitting in front seats, or in the edge of the backseat.
2. I declared of my thought having allergies to sea foods cause i felt having allergies was kinda cool until it did happen that whenever i eat squid, or shrimp, or crabs, it makes my lips swell, and my throat itch. It's funny cause when i eat Prawns, Lobsters, and Octopus, i don't get those itchiness. Guess i was just allergic to small sea
3. When I'm cooking and I am alone, I start talking as if I have my own Cooking Show :)
4. I'm not afraid of Amphibians, but thinking in contact with them makes me freak out. It happened after biology class wherein we need to hold a Bullfrog for 3 minutes and i can still feel the skin of the frog. Yuck. i just had goosebumps.
5. Growing up, i have had a huge crush with Anne Hathaway.
6. After watching a recent episode of Kapuso mo, Jessica Sojo where a kid was attacked by a cobra in the woods, I get paranoid. whenever i will be in place where there are grasses or trees, i always think that cobra is somewhere there and kept thinking if an anti-venom available in Sacred heart.
7. Way back in Elementary, i didn't like being nominated as Mayor, Vice Mayor,cause i want them to nominate me as the "Adonis".. haha That, never happened.
8. I really wanted to be a Broadcast Journalist but didn't pursue cause in my senior year in high school i gained weight, and pimples started coming out. i felt ugly.
9. I know i sing well, but i don't have the confidence of being in front of the stage singing. It started when i was in high school where i represented my class for a VOCAL SOLO, they gave me the piece, but since we don't have any Karaoke then, i didn't have much practice, then when it's time for the competition, i was blank, any my lyrics was mumbling and dribbling. It was very embarrassing. until then, i have troubles memorizing lyrics.
10. I don't have a sense of direction, that is even if i was been in that place, i still have the tendency to get lost.
11. I created my Twitter Account to Screw different Artist. I stopped criticizing them since my friends knew about my account and followed me :)
12. I removed all my clothes when i defecate.
13. the name i gave to my dissected frog in high school was "the long lost bone of BONIFACIO".
See how much you get! PM me :)
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