Sunday, October 24, 2010

have a goal.. Please?

There are lot of times that i think about my friends' future. My friends for years now. My friends who kept doing the same thing all day everyday.. I miss them.. i dont know why i missed them cause i was just with them last week, there are even times that i am with them everyday.. Physically, i am with them. but not the fact that we used to talk sense full things together, not merely talking about people's lives.. having good conversations over a cup of coffee rather than a bottle of beer. 

We are all coming to a part of our lives that we wanted to do something for our own success.. We are coming to a part of our lives that we need to grow in order to move on. I was with them through thick and thin of my life. I can say that they were a big help to me in achieving everything. We Party, We Drink, We gamble, We Smoke, We Love  going out. But i realized that we are old for this. That we need to do something in Our lives to make it more productive. The guys were really having fun though.. I still hope they realize that sooner or later they will be parents, or their parents will depend on them. that there is a responsibility every people will encounter, They will never be dependent forever to whoever they depending to. 
I just hope that they understand why Our other friends detached themselves to us. it's not because they are more socialites and that they don't belong to the group. They just wanted CHANGE. and i really appreciate that. If detaching from us is the only way they could find themselves, I understand that. Now, I believe that You guys have already found what your looking for, and please continue to be successful. Our other friends may not understand you but as long as your happy, continue what you're doing. 
 I appreciate that new people come to our lives. but i hope my friends would realize that those were kids.. And that they should help those kids to grow, not to let them overgrew them. My friends our Moving backwards. We are young they say.. But i hope there's a space for Maturity on you. 

We are all in this together.