Sunday, March 21, 2010

Even Superman Can Be Hurt too.

Superman is the Strongest Person on earth. He can face many odds. He can fight all the strongest Villain on earth. He can fly as soon as everyone needs help. Many people thought Superman is So perfect. But hey, He's Human too.Everyone thought that His weakness is the Kryptonite. Everyone thought that the only one that will kill him is that thing. Those people were wrong. Because Superman's weakness is Wonder-woman.

People may see Superman Laughing, giggling, singing, dancing. People may see Superman a very bubbly person who can handle almost everything. People sees Superman as a dynamic, versatile person. But when it comes to talking with Wonderwoman, He trembles down. Whenever people talk about Wonderwoman in a wrong way, Superman is hurt. That's why Superman always see to it that his girlfriend will be very careful in everything that she does. Because even just a single and little scratches hurts him.

Superman expected so much of Wonder-woman that he already forgotten that She also is a human person. He always dictate what her girlfriend should do, He didn't know that she's hurt too. Superman just wanted to protect her because He has many people to protect too. But Superman cant handle everyone, cant pleases everyone, can be with everyone. So before superman would be with some other people he will see to it that wonder-woman is safe first. Superman was very at ease that nothing will happen to wonder-woman because they are both superheroes. but hey, wonder-woman needed help.. and Superman didn't even know about it.

Superman And wonder-man talked about it. Superman broke down, and cried. He was hurt because he should be the one protecting her. SUPERMAN is damn hurt. because for the nth time Wonder-woman didn't follow the rules.. wonder-woman dried to explained but superman is just so hurt to listen to anything. And by the way Wonderwoman was like Darna that time. Superman can't take staring at her thats why he just decided to leave. Wonderwoman also got hot tempered and talked so much that all superman can say is "i had enough. please, just go to sleep". although he didnt say it to her but he just wanted to say "i'm hurt, please even for today, understand me.. " But he can't. Because like what i said, Supermans weakness is her.

In a long run, Superman was found crying to Wonderwoman's chest as She assures him ts  gonna be ok. All superman wanted is for her to, sometimes, listen because all what he is telling is for her own sake. Superman cried so much of the pain he's suffering.but superman needs to handle this. He stood still although he's broken.

Today, Superman continues to Save the people in need of his help. But now, He understands,that his girlfriend is a superhero to that also protects Superman let him ow do whatever she wanted. because Thats how Superman Loves her.