Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Party 2010


 This year, the hospital's christmas party was held in balikbayan hall at the Urdaneta Cultural and Sports Center on Dec. 22 2010.

It was fun actually, seeing all the staffs from the different departments just relaxing and partying. It was indeed a great break for us for all the hard works we had. It was indeed a great party.

there weren't a lot of parlor games. i don't even know why.i was hoping that there are lot of prepared games but i guess the committee wasn't that ready. The food was great!! :)
With The hardworking volunteers of UDH

There were also gifts given. fruit cocktails, Spam, Spaghetti, Kitchen wares. appliances.. I've got a spam. and i was shocked  that i have a name in the list cause technically, i don't have a contract. So when my name was called, i was jumping, literally, not just winning but because of the acknowledgment  that i am, ahem, a staff. :)

Sumusunod sa galaw mo!! Juvy Sumusunod nga!! hehe

this stunt i guess made the audience screa
The real highlight of the night was the showcasing of talents by the different departments wherein One department will win P5,000. Big Money ey? That's why all of us were really done our best to win. I, together with my co- staff in the Nursing service Jo Banaga, Juvy Rose Rosario, Ronald Garcia, Sheina Cruz, And Bimbo Alambra, performed a comedic act dance to the tune of the different Dance hits in early 80's, 90's and to present.

The volunteer group. 1st Placer! hep hep Hurray!!
with the Guy Volunteers!
 We won 2nd to the Volunteers Group whose dance was really practiced and synchronized. We actually didn't expect to win cause we are not dancers (wink*wink*). The only thing we have that the others didn't have is our heart to show that winning or losing, at least we represented the nursing Service well.. To the Volunteers, You guys were really Great. Congratulations. 3rd place is Ancillary/ Admin Department. 4th is the Nursing Service A, and 5th is medical department/volunteers A.

The Ancillary and The Admin Group who is in 3rd Place.
after the party we all have different plans. the other volunteers went home, The others went to a bar, but i together with the other staff had a great night at Mr. espinosa's house.
waka waka :)
showing the money!! :)

It was a happy event and i am pleased to be a part of it. uhmm did i say i am the Event Host? :) Well  i am!

Doctors Joy and Tina on both sides. 5th place!

the nursing service A- 4th Placer

with UDH contractual Nurses

me, hosting the event

Thursday, November 18, 2010


                                   Who could have thought that it was a year ago when i started working in Urdaneta General Hospital. It was a year indeed, and i felt it was just yesterday when i bumped in and talked to the chief nurse about my application. It felt like it was just yesterday when i asked a schedule for IVT from the nurse supervisor. Well, it was a year already. and i still have the enthusiasm :)

                                    Before i graduated college, i already envision myself working in this hospital. for the first reason that i am urdanetarian and the hospital is a few blocks away from home. and second, when i felt that this is a good working experience for me.. a good place to practice my profession. It was the hospital where i have completed my cases. Thanks to my Mami Franz, my second Mom, who have helped me from then on.

                                     It was after the board exam when i applied in the hospital. I haven't even known the result then, but i was really eager to work there, kahit N.A lang muna (although i am confident i will pass the board wink*wink*). The Chief Nurse told me that time wait for the result first. But i still pursued, and made an appointment with Dr. Banta for an Interview. He told me that they will call me.. July 2009 when the result of the exam released, No calls yet. I've done my BLS and SFAT, still no calls. IVT done. No Calls. That's when i found out that We need to follow up. Stupid ey? haha How did i found out??? when i went with Hazel on her application. Ma'am Mariel told me "bakit hindi ka nag follow up. October ka dapat eh. sa January na uli ang next na pag pasok ng mga volunteers".  Oh crap.. so i thought i will be tambay for  the end of the year then.

                                    Nov. 9, 2009- It was the first day of My IVT completion of cases in the hospital. I was with Hazel then. It was my official first day as a Nurse. No C.Is to help.. It was envious seeing the other volunteers being good at inserting already, as this was my first. That day was also Ms. JUVY ROSE ROSARIO's first day as a volunteer (happy anniversary tol!!). Hazel and I went for duty everyday and other staff said "kayo lang ang IVT na everyday pumapasok". I thought they were joking. but seeing the IVT's now, i told myself  "oo nga no? 2 weeks kami nag ivt.." So while waiting for Blood Transfusion cases, Hazel and i practiced our insertion, and doing some volunteer works. On November 16, 2009, The Nurse Supervisor talked to us and let us signed the volunteer contract of work. I was very delighted because i really wanted to be a volunteer, i couldn't wait for January then.

                                    I loved working in the hospital, i love the working relationship with the staffs and my co-volunteers. With No hypocrisy,I wished, then, to get hired. So my game plan was to impress all of them. As i push myself in impressing them, i realized im pushing myself to impress ME. I took all the chances to learn, i took risk, i learned to love my work and as the days go by, i realize i still go to work on weekends and holidays. When my batch mate Juvy was hired on January 2010, the other old volunteers were jealous.. they started talking about how she was hired so soon etc. Me? i was happy for her. She became an Inspiration to me. That it doesnt need to have volunteered for a long time to be hired, it's the passion and the kind of work their giving. So excuse me for bragging, but i guess  both Juvy and I is deserving to what we have right now.

                                   I learned to become patient. When i wasn't a nurse, if people will shout at me i will say "Bring it on!". But when i started to work on the hospital, I can't even answer those patients who shouted, insulted, slaved me. It was a part of my job so i kept myself sophisticated. I really enjoyed the work. The sad part is when the other volunteers is, one by one, saying goodbye. I established Friendship indeed that's why it was hard saying goodbye to them. The staffs were really appreciative, one of the reason why i continued the work. They make me feel that i am a great help to them and that they feel very relaxed when they're with me. And Personally, i was longing for appreciation, and they've fulfill it. I was very delighted.

                                    On June 2010, i was about to go on leave for vacation to figure things out when the chief nurse told me "galingan mo kasi very recomended ka" . I can't forget those words cause i've longing to here that from the chief nurse herself. so abroad plans- cancelled! i was hired on July 2010.  It was really nerve racking because seeing them, it was easy, but the actual work is sssooo hard.. even harder than my  history exams in highschool (hehe)., seriously, our work is not easy. We are caring lives that is why we should not commit any errors for there are no second chances.. if people asks "contractuals lang kayo dito?" i answered them "contractual kami dito!" no lang. My senior helped me a lot. I've adjusted very soon. and i can say i can rock this thing!! the salary?? never mind.. it's the thought that counts :)

                                      What i learned from my staff then, i shared it with the other volunteers. I let them feel that they are volunteers in the hospital, not volunteers lang in the hospital. Hazel was hired as contractual too but for two weeks only for the reason that i really dont want to talk about cause its hurting me. Million times that it hurts Hazel. But she didn't let that surpass her character and her work. She is still doing a great job, and she is Priceless :)  It was a wonderful year indeed. Full of surprises, Full of Love. They are things that rocks me a little bit, there are people who's not good to me, but i still handle it professionally, and as long as the hospital, the management and the patients love me, There is no way reason for me to leave..

Live.Love. Work

Sunday, October 24, 2010

have a goal.. Please?

There are lot of times that i think about my friends' future. My friends for years now. My friends who kept doing the same thing all day everyday.. I miss them.. i dont know why i missed them cause i was just with them last week, there are even times that i am with them everyday.. Physically, i am with them. but not the fact that we used to talk sense full things together, not merely talking about people's lives.. having good conversations over a cup of coffee rather than a bottle of beer. 

We are all coming to a part of our lives that we wanted to do something for our own success.. We are coming to a part of our lives that we need to grow in order to move on. I was with them through thick and thin of my life. I can say that they were a big help to me in achieving everything. We Party, We Drink, We gamble, We Smoke, We Love  going out. But i realized that we are old for this. That we need to do something in Our lives to make it more productive. The guys were really having fun though.. I still hope they realize that sooner or later they will be parents, or their parents will depend on them. that there is a responsibility every people will encounter, They will never be dependent forever to whoever they depending to. 
I just hope that they understand why Our other friends detached themselves to us. it's not because they are more socialites and that they don't belong to the group. They just wanted CHANGE. and i really appreciate that. If detaching from us is the only way they could find themselves, I understand that. Now, I believe that You guys have already found what your looking for, and please continue to be successful. Our other friends may not understand you but as long as your happy, continue what you're doing. 
 I appreciate that new people come to our lives. but i hope my friends would realize that those were kids.. And that they should help those kids to grow, not to let them overgrew them. My friends our Moving backwards. We are young they say.. But i hope there's a space for Maturity on you. 

We are all in this together. 


Wednesday, June 23, 2010


JULY1- for everyone it would be an ordinary day,NOT FOR ME. for this day will be the start of my REAL work. i am excited ofcourse but i am also nervous. CAN I HANDLE THE PRESSURE and Live with their expectations?? some one told me "be ready with criticisms". I am prepared for that, because even just now, people started talking behind my back. People chatters "why him, of all people". I cant brag my position as my girlfriend say, "Stay humble always". But i am positive that i am deserving of the work i was appointed to.Being hired is something i've worked for, i had worked so hard for this position and you know, my passion really is in here.. This was never a popularity contest.

This was really is it. Thank You everyone for praying for me.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How can you make your sweetheart fall in love with you over and over again?

We, young people, love it when we are in a relationship full of Love. We feel alone when we dont have it right? But ironic cause when you found that one, you do nothing special to take care of it. Since i thought that i had a better relationship with my girlfriend, i believe that i had an obligation to share some things we both done to make our relationship (Really Really work) and Happy (really really happy).  Now i know, that this things will surely help you guys based on personal experience. So now i will be your Advocate of Love :)

They say, The first years will only be the years full of affection, kilig, surprises. THAT IS, when you allowed yourself to JUST BE LIKE THAT. My girlfriend and I will be celebrating our 4th Year Anniversary this Year, and i still feel the Love and kiligs i had when we first met.. Because she don't fail to make me feel good everytime. So is it necessary that guys should only be the ones surprising? NO... In reality, women should be the one doing this things out because your the ones whose mellow dramatics. But then when you really wanted this to work, Both you Guys and Girls should read this.

1. setting priorities.  When your in a relationship, you can not have everything at the same time. Your barkada's will tell you "nagkasyota ka lang di ka na sumasama sa lakad". Don't feel bad because you just set your priorities. You may not be in all the lakads but if these are true friends, they would understand that growing up you need to set limitations. If you waste your time for playing dota for like 5 hours, Limit that to 3 hours and have the two more hours with her or with something worth.. But then don't deprive them of being with friends ofcourse because they first met before you did.

2. Like Their Likes. When i haven't met her yet, i really don't care of what i wear. I don't care if im baduy or not, but everything changes when i met her. Because she's obsessed with fashion and modeling, and Beauty, i learned to be more caring and grooming myself. I don't usually eat TOFu,  but she love it so i Loved it too. It's not about changing who you are. Its a cycle. When you tries to like what they like, your partner will also obliged themselves to like what you like. And when you tries to like what s/he likes, you would know that it wasn't bad after all.But then don't force yourself too much. if you really can't like some sort of her likes, be open to it and i know she'll understand.

3. Befriends The Friends.  You don't need to be BEST of Friends to their friends, just acquaint yourself to his/her friends so that you would know what kind of person your partner is. They Say "tell me who your friends are, and i would tell you who you are", for me it works all the time. Another reason: so you wont get jealous when s/he's with friends of the opposite sex.

4. Love his/her Family-  loving their family is loving him/her a zillion times. Learn what works in the family. Like is her father not diabetic so i can give him chocolates? or is her mother smokes so you need to take your antamin before going to their home. it's as simple as ABC.

5. Trust.  Don't need to elaborate that, everyone has their own way on trusting their loveones. just put in mind that no one would like the feeling untrusted.


1. BUILD YOUR DREAMS WITH THEM. When you make your plans with them and include them to it, It will make our partner's feel that we love them. when you don't see your partner as your partner forever, better stop your relationship cause no matter what you do, it wont work. If you envision yourself with your loveone, it only means that your hoping that your love will last longer..

2. GO OUT. No one loves to be stuck in just one place right? make yourself available for dates. Movies, shopping and dinning.

3. DON'T FAIL TO MAKE THEM FEEL GOOD. this is an easy one cause we,pinoys, are naturally mambobolas. when your on bed, stare at her and tell her " you're the prettiest i've known". or when your walking hold her hand and whisper "ang kinis tlaga ng kutis mo". i dont think na mauubusan ka ng sasabihin sa kanya because once you love that person, you can just see beauty. kaya why not pansinin mo lahat ito and tell it to her.

4. LEARN HOW TO FIGHT RIGHT.  Fighting and arguments are the crucial part of every relationship. If you knew your the one who caused the pain, Asked forgiveness all the way. If you said sorry, and still your partner is angry, accept all what he has to say, because not because your sorry the issue stop there. Just learn to compromise and accept that you are wrong when you truly admitted you were. But when you know that you need to answer back, then feel free to throw your point of views. but then again, kung sino padin ang nagkamali sya pa din ang mali regardless of reasons why. Compromising is really hard to do, but doing it so will make the relationship stronger..Couples that fight right also find ways to defuse the tension, often with humor.. Naalala ko when we had fight one night, She's going to leave the house, i beg her "wag kang umalis ah" and sabi nya " ano ka ba magtatapon lang ako basura". lol although I'm angry that time, we both laugh and we talked calmy.

5. STOP NAGGING.-walang naidudulot itong maganda. hay alam niyo na yan.

6. Learn to balance your "time with her/him" and "time with you". if you give them the privilege to go out shopping alone, or watching movie alone, He or she will not give you the reason "I NEED TO FIND MYSELF". There are couples that are never apart and there are couples that see each other only on weekends. so when you just see every weekend have that time with him/her. and have the whole week as time for yourself. Remember, that you may be in a relationship but you came out to this world alone. (exception: twins)

7. Learn to cook his/her favorite dish- alam niyo na rin to, next
8. Be the best of Friends. My girlfriend is like my best friend too. She knows what will hurt me and what will make me happy. She knows my likes and give me all of them. She knows my allergies and wont give me all of them (toinks) so the summary of all what i told you is loving them not just because they are our boy/girlfriend but because they are our best friend.

Always remember that we had different ways to keep our relationship stronger., You both may not be hopeless romantic etc, but what matter is you both love the way you love each other and everythings gonna be all right..

please post comments and reactions.  :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Even Superman Can Be Hurt too.

Superman is the Strongest Person on earth. He can face many odds. He can fight all the strongest Villain on earth. He can fly as soon as everyone needs help. Many people thought Superman is So perfect. But hey, He's Human too.Everyone thought that His weakness is the Kryptonite. Everyone thought that the only one that will kill him is that thing. Those people were wrong. Because Superman's weakness is Wonder-woman.

People may see Superman Laughing, giggling, singing, dancing. People may see Superman a very bubbly person who can handle almost everything. People sees Superman as a dynamic, versatile person. But when it comes to talking with Wonderwoman, He trembles down. Whenever people talk about Wonderwoman in a wrong way, Superman is hurt. That's why Superman always see to it that his girlfriend will be very careful in everything that she does. Because even just a single and little scratches hurts him.

Superman expected so much of Wonder-woman that he already forgotten that She also is a human person. He always dictate what her girlfriend should do, He didn't know that she's hurt too. Superman just wanted to protect her because He has many people to protect too. But Superman cant handle everyone, cant pleases everyone, can be with everyone. So before superman would be with some other people he will see to it that wonder-woman is safe first. Superman was very at ease that nothing will happen to wonder-woman because they are both superheroes. but hey, wonder-woman needed help.. and Superman didn't even know about it.

Superman And wonder-man talked about it. Superman broke down, and cried. He was hurt because he should be the one protecting her. SUPERMAN is damn hurt. because for the nth time Wonder-woman didn't follow the rules.. wonder-woman dried to explained but superman is just so hurt to listen to anything. And by the way Wonderwoman was like Darna that time. Superman can't take staring at her thats why he just decided to leave. Wonderwoman also got hot tempered and talked so much that all superman can say is "i had enough. please, just go to sleep". although he didnt say it to her but he just wanted to say "i'm hurt, please even for today, understand me.. " But he can't. Because like what i said, Supermans weakness is her.

In a long run, Superman was found crying to Wonderwoman's chest as She assures him ts  gonna be ok. All superman wanted is for her to, sometimes, listen because all what he is telling is for her own sake. Superman cried so much of the pain he's suffering.but superman needs to handle this. He stood still although he's broken.

Today, Superman continues to Save the people in need of his help. But now, He understands,that his girlfriend is a superhero to that also protects Superman let him ow do whatever she wanted. because Thats how Superman Loves her.


Friday, February 26, 2010

Delivery And Operating Room

The whole month of February, I was assigned in the Delivery and Operating Room. I'm with Hazel and my newly found friend Adam. I was never nervous going to work not until i was assigned here. It's nerve racking. From the endorsement of the other volunteers kesyo ang susungit nila dun, grr.. eh ako pa man din masintir ako, Masabihan lang ako ng masasakit eh dinidbdib ko. BUT THIS WHOLE THING IS NOT TRUE. They were not masungit like what they've said.

The first day of duty, Mam Lydia is laughing because Mami Franz talks to me in a FORMAL way. Mami Franz was like my second mother. My Mother in the Field of Nursing. She was my mentor, even before when i was still a student. She was my prayer advocate as she always send me inspirational quotes. But we cannot be as close as we can be in the OR. The first day as i am orienting myself, i met the C.I.s and the students. and the first day of the story starts that moment.

It was tuesday, my first Day, and My first BTL. As a volunteer, i need to observe as much as i could but couldn't attend  to both DR and OR at the same time. I am Helping Mam Cely to prepare the instruments to use in BTL when a patient in DR is delivering her baby. I went there to help but when i arrived the whole 6 students of DR and some students of the OR were there, Together with them is Their CI and 2 preceptors, aside from The Doctor. So could you just imagine how crowded that is? so then i decided to go back to the Operating Room to help Mam Cely. Occasionally, I go there to check them up and they were still crowded. i decided to go back to OR again.When finally the BTL is ready, i went back to DR and helped them out. I was lending on the other table since they were many people when suddenly the CI shouted "bakit kasi yang mga volunteers na yan nagsisiwalaan pag may nanganganak" . Promise the way she said it is very offensive cause it's as if i did nothing. I needed to answer back i know. i told her "Mam pano naman kasi ang dami dami na natin dito, lahat nalang ng estudyante nandito sa loob, ang crowded na". She didn't talk. It's getting hot there, that's why i decided to leave the room. But as i leave the room, i heard the CI shouted and told the Preceptors "Mamaya hayaan niyo yang volunteer ang gumawa ng mga yan. dapat nagoobserve lang kayo" .

after that happened, the tension was really present. and when a patient for D&C, no student were around, but the CI was there, like 10 meters from me. JUST STARING Me. Oh God, that's my first day. i dont know what to do. and as i commit mistakes she was there having her Evil Laugh all the way. i really wanted to cry that time. i know my mami Franz would be disappointed when she would've known this. An hour later, I decided to say sorry. I told her that If I offended her for what i've said i'm sorry. its just that they were really many students there and i got nothing to do. I was sincere. She said "kasi sa tinagal tagal ko dito, ngayon lang ako naganito. kasi If that's what you want, i will give you want you want. pero okay lang yun".

It was awkward i know. But i just need to do it. I should have respected her since i am new in the area. But i just want to speak out myself. If i can just do all the work, i would. I wasn't like, doing nothing at all. I am a professional, and a professional can always say sorry to a professional. and then we became as good colleagues as we can be.

I've Loved working in the OR. I took all the chances to learn, Thanks to Mami Franz cause she allow me to do everything. She checks my work, and appreciate all the efforts i've giving. To Mam Lydia as well. Mam Lydia may have said hurting and degrading, but hey! that's her way to correct you, and it's really effective. I know that when i came back to the operating room again, i will be competent enough to handle myself, and to handle the cases. Mami Franz allowed me to Assist BTL and i felt very good because i know that she is confident that i can make it. and she's right.

Mami Franz occasionally scold me. Scolding me like i am her real blood son. but after that she will say "Oh Xander tignan mo si Sir Richard kahit matagal na naming kasama pinapagalitan pa din namin". She as if explained me that what she just told me is nothing personal, and i felt really loved. kahit si Mam Lydia, i felt really loved. I always tease them saying " favorite son, favorite son". haha I can feel, i am really loved.

Mag popost sana ako ng pictures pero i learned na bawal na pala yun. kaya ito todo sa pag crop at pag edit sa pics :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Feelings of The baby brother when her Big sister Got married :)

I remember I used to call you my Attorney because you always depend me from Mama, Papa and our co-siblings.
I remember when a BIG FIGHT happened to our family, i defended the other side, didn't listen to what you have to say. I was wrong, i know. I ask forgiveness, you accepted it.
I remember when it was my birthday and i asked videoke, you grante my wish.
I remember when it was my Junior prom and told you i wanted  this kind of look, you went to ukay ukay and look for it. and i loved it.
I remember asking you to give me new underwear, you went home with 3 new underwears.
I remember when i wanted to take the college entrance exams although Kuya Xy didn't know, You gave me finance and supported me all the way.
I remember when i told you i want to be a "TV reporter" you told me to pursue what i like, and after i graduate i will be working in ABS-CBN dagupan.
I remember when i took up Nursing, and you said galingan mo lang sa pag aaral mo. that motivated me.
I remember when i needed new pair of uniform, you gave it right away.
I remember when i have duty out of town, you asked me if that town has Western Union so you can send money if i needed to.
I remember when i stopped Schooling to process my papers, you helped me in everyway you can.
I remember the time when i found you out crying in your room and asked why, you answered "break na kami" in a heart crashing way, my heart was crushed too.
I remember when you stood still for what you know is right to those people who discriminated you, and your feminity.
I remember when you thought you were going abroad but you went back from the airport and found out that you were fooled by the agency, i was devastated then.
I remember when you left the country, i didn't able to accompany you cause i have classes.
I remember the time i told you that you can never marry unless i graduated. I meant that. and you did too..

Thank you for keeping that promise ate. That's why when you told me that you will be getting married, without questions i agreed. because i graduated already. a promise you never break. will never be.

Thank you for all your support in everything i do. I appreciate everything. I love you and hope that your happy in every decisions you made. I hope you can have many children cause you deserve to. You know how to love. And your love isn't just by kissing and hugging. Thanks ate.

Congratulations in your wedding. We hoped that we could have celebrated your wedding but as we all know its impossible. im happy that your happy now.

To Bayaw Marvin, My ate is the best in the whole wide world. She's a good catch of yours. Please dont hurt her. please love her as much as we love her. thank you for welcoming us to  your family..


Ang Drama na nito. haha ang cute ng suot ni Marvin, parang Si edward cullen haha At si ate naman mukhang nasa prom lang..

well guys.. good luck and best wishes.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

My First GraveYard Shift as A Nurse, Now Signing off :)

January 31 Today- is the last day of my First 11-7 shift as a Nurse. It's so funny because as a student i hated this shift. Now, thinking that it's coming to an End, I'm already missing it. Haha. I remember what My Reviewer said before, "Kapag naging Nurse na Kayo, Mararamdaman niyo din ang transformation". Well, it's Really True. As a student, I hated duty, I hated bp taking. As i became a nurse, Everything changed. I've been very eager to go to the hospital. i always bear in mind that this is my work now. This is what i will practice, forever and ever.

Dami ko natutunan sa shift na to. I was able to hold the NCP na Staff lang dapat ang naghahawak. I felt good because i didnt rely to anyone else but me. Dami nag taas ng kilay nung hinawakan ko yung NCPs. sabi pa nila sipsip daw ako.. Pero damn, i never cared at all. First, i didn't insist holding NCPs, my staff told me to, Second, i took this chance to learn, so why should i be bothered. Third, Everyday i learned new things. For me that's the essence of being a Volunteer Nurse. Helping out the Staffs to lessen their workloads and to be able to LEARN while working. Malay mo, Pag na "in" ako, hindi ako uunga unga. :)

Naging masipag ba ko? I guess. pero ako mismo, i cant understand myself. I USED TO BE A LAZY student NURSE. Now, kahit ano iutos sakin, ginagawa ko, without hatred and anger.  Bait ko na nga. Nakakagulat.

Did i take naps? Sometimes, but i see to it na nag na nap din yung staff ko. kahit pa yung mga kasama ko na natutulog at nakahiga na. hay. Gising! hehe
Buti nalang my benefit kahit papano ang graveyard shift.. Yung free Coffee! haha

This year, the new annex building is opened. and i am so glad that i have at least experience working in the new building.

Thank you Sir Gerwin- for letting me hold the NCP for the first time. i admire the way you work! ang bilis! haha thank you for letting me experience how to be in your position, ENDORSING, RECEIVING, Giving Meds.
Mam Ella- thanks for making me feel i'm a big help to yours. That boost my self Esteem.
Mam Laila- thank you for giving me recognition. Whoo lumalaki ang tenga ko sainyo..
Mam Sanguir- Thank you for letting me do the Diet list, i learned na dapat pala 4 copies ang ginagawa :)
Mam Donna Faye- siguro hindi ako magiging Pediatric IVT nurse kung hindi mo ko hinayaan mag insert sa mga bata. thanks mam.
Mam Melody- Thanks din Maam sa appreciation sa work. i promise to be good at everything!
Sir Adam At Mam Cathy- kahit lagi niyo ko tinutulugan, salamat parin at least di kayo tamad pumasok.
Mam Karen at Sir Leonard- Mga idol sa Kasipagan.. Magiging  mas Masipag din ako. :)
Sa nag Ma MAMI- ang sarap ng luto mo :)

the New Annex Building

OR na ko sa Lunes. Kinakabahan pero i promise to impress them. That's My goal. Im not doing this to be hired. Im just doing this to prove to them that i am an Effective Nurse.